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tv   Watters World  FOX News  January 20, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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mark: you are fascinating. i want to thank you for coming -- pleasure. god bless you all right, ladies and gentlemen. see you next time on "life, liberty and levin". ♪ jesse: welcome to. "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. president trump pitching a new deal to get to end the government shutdown and get his border wall. he held a citizenship ceremony before the announcement. president trump: technology to help sciewsh or ports of entry. an additional 2,750 border
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agents. 75 new immigration judge teams to reduce the court backlog of believe it or not, almost 900,000 cases. our plan includes critical measures to protect migrant children from exploitation and abuse. the plan includes $5.7 billion for a strategic deployment for physical barriers or a wall. this is not a 2,000-mile concrete structure from sea to sea. these are steel barriers in high priority locations in order to begin real immigration reform. there are two more elements to my plan. number one is three years of legislative relief for 700,000 daca recipients brought here
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unlawfully by their parents at a young age many years ago. our proposal provides a three-year extension of temporary protected status or tps. jesse: now the ball is totally in the democrats' court. joining us is ed henry and dr. sebastian gorka, kayleigh mcenany. we begin with you. this changes the dynamic in the capital. >> let me tell you what the president said and then i'll tell you what he really meant. that's the key. he's trying to put nancy pelosi on defense. he's going to help daca recipients get three years of protection. they get to stay in the country
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while they figure this out. tps members protected status for people in this country right now who could be deported. in exchange he wants the $5.7 billion for the wall. here is what he didn't say. he wants to start in the senate and not the house. he thinks maybe he can get 60 votes. 53 republican senators and moderate democrats like joe manchin. can he get to 60 votes on a deal similar to this and then put the pressure on nancy pelosi? she wants to drive things now that she is speaker of the house. jesse: hasn't nancy already thrown cold water on it before she even gave the speech. >> she is complaining that the daca recipients won't get a path
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to citizenship. why didn't he do that? it's the art of the deal wbl he's negotiating. so the point is that the president going back to the holidays is saying i'm at the white house, i'm ready to negotiate. now part two of this strategy from the president, from the white house, is to take the initiative and go on offense by saying i'm driving the legislative train through the senate and through the house. jesse: if you look at this from a conservative perspective and let's say, dr. gorka, you see the president offering -- it's not amnesty, they won't get voting rights. you are extending the status quo on dreamers and these temporary
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protected status people for a few more years. i don't see anything republicans can vote against. do you? >> no. ann coulter is already tweeting hysterically that's we are voting for amnesty. it's simply a three-year compassionate grace period. it is exactly as ed said. the tables have turned. because now if nancy doesn't accept this deal for just 0.01 of the federal budget, that's what the $5 billion is. she'll paint herself and all the democrats as utterly not compassionate. jesse: kayleigh, he's offering i think 230 miles of additional
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border wall. those are the steel slats you can see through that increase visibility. he's also doing other things for humanitarian reasons as ed points out. do you see the possibility of the senate getting 60 votes on this? i think it's a slam dunk. >> we had our republican majority. this is a fair compromise. it's everything. or at least a lot of what democrats have asked for and talked about supporting. let's just get to the point here with regard to the house and nancy pelosi. democrats are fakers. democrats are posers. the reason i said that is they said they wanted daca legalization. they say they wanted a barrier on the southern border five years ago when they voted on it. now they don't. they posed and faked their way. this is the plan they always
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wanted. jesse: right now, you had in there are try to leave the country. you had other people in the house go to puerto rico and take their shirts off and hang out during the shutdown. i don't see how the media as biased as they are, how they can paint this president and the republican party as anything other than willing to compromise and negotiate. >> i think the president played that just right. he was tempered and showed compassion. he said if we can get this done on a weekly basis he'll invite them in to work out the rest much immigration. watch that video and tell us who is reaching out their hand and who is reasonable and who is trying to solve this problem. >> this is just the beginning. maybe just invite them over and serve some whoppers and big
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macs. buzz feed came out with a story that says the president directed his lawyer michael co-on lie to congress. all hell broke loose in the media. mueller's team who never speaks put out a statement pretty much denying this report. where not accurate. dr. gorka, this is a body blow to the buzzfeed * story and the media's fantasy that impeachment is around the corner. >> i take it's a stake in the heart of "buzzfeed" and a
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validation of the president's use of the term fake news. what did it trigger in the rest of the media? 20 hours of breathless impeach, impeach. the story is how the media reacted to it. that's the story. they are fake news. jesse: they basically hyperventilated. when they saw mueller come out and say it's basically fake news, this ways they were forced to admit. >> the larger message that a lot of people are going to traffic this story is the news media are a bunch of leftist liars who are willing to get the president. >> i think this is a bad day for us. jesse: many days are bad days, but this is especially bad. >> what happened to journalism
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school where you are supposed to go out and verify things? i have got to give credit to in mule tore issue a statement and say that's not true. i'm glad he did that. but the journalism that's supposed to happen is stunning. i'm glad theyr they took it in the face because i'm tired of the lies and anonymous sources. it's fundamentally wrong. jess rrm we are up against a hard break. thank you very much. buzz kill. white house press secretary sarah sanders joins me next. [♪] not having a good breakfast can make you feel like your day never started. get going with carnation breakfast essentials®. it has protein, plus 21 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d, to help your family be their best.
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carnation breakfast essentials®. you should be mad at leaf blowers. [beep] you should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. and you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. but you're not mad, because you have e*trade which isn't complicated. their tools make trading quicker and simpler. so you can take on the markets with confidence. don't get mad. get e*trade and start trading today.
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don't get mad. i am a techie dad.n. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. jesse: a political game of chicken unfolding between president and speaker nancy pelosi. beginning with pelosi asking the president to put the state of the union on mold. she sent a letter saying i suggest we work together to
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determine another suitable date after the government has reopened or you consider submitting your address in writing. >> speaker pelosi is playing hardball. >> nancy pelosi flexing her constitutional muscle. >> nancy pelosi flexing her muscle. >> she has a ph.d in needling president trump. >> this is a move of exceptional cleverness and statism in a way. >> this is political genius. >> she is showing she is in charge. >> what a baddases. jesse: but different story when president trump did the same thing, pulling the plug on nancy pelosi's overseas trip use a government funded aircraft. he wrote i am sure you would agree postponing this public relations event is totally
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appropriate. it would be better if you were in washington negotiating with me. if you want to make your journey flying commercial that would certainly be your prerogative. the lawmakers were left sitting on a bus. here is how the media reacted to that. >> the president has responded in a childish way to house speaker nancy pelosi it's an example of trump overreacting. >> what trump has done is tactically inept. >> the phrase that comes to mind is nanny nanny booboo. jesse: here to respond, white house press secretary, sarah sanders. welcome to "watters world." the base extremely pumped up
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about trump's move with the plane. that's gotten everybody excited. we now realize how intense this is. but now nancy's team is saying her safety was jeopardized because the white house leaked her travel plans. do you care to respond to that? >> that's outrageous. nobody in this building will do anything to put the safety and security of any american, especially those in service like speaker meo pelosi in danger. saying we leaked her travel plans is not serious. there is nothing powerful about questioning the ability of the secret service to protect the president. they protected the president
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when he was in iraq. i think they can handle the job on capitol hill. i think. jesse: where do we stand with the state of the union in your opinion? is the president look for other venues, a big rally, the senate? >> the president is going to continue to do what he's done every day since taking office and even before that, and that's communicating with the american people whether it's through the state of the union or the rally, whether it's through speeches across the country or twitter and other means of social media, the president will continue to get his message out. and that message is we have to protect our country and protect our borders. jesse: the president's approval rating among latino adults is up
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19 points. if you listen to the democrats on tape they seem to be cracking a little bit when it comes to calling the wall immoral and ineffective too. >> i don't thinking this is an issue of immorality. it's an issue of it doesn't work. a wall that protects people isn't immoral. >> would you remove those existing barriers? >> no. obviously they work some places. >> do walls work? >> in certain places i think so. >> we can talk about border security. if that's a wall, i'm open to that. reporter: the leadership says one thing, other leaders in the democratic party says another. i don't know where they stand on walls and barriers. >> i don't.
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and that's because they don't want the sit down to the table and have a conversation with the president. they need to be sitting down at the table with the president and figure out how to open the government and protect our government. it's time for them to sit down and negotiate and work out a deal so we are solving problems, not just playing political games. you just played a number of them saying we need border security. we are hopeful some of those people will come to the table, work the president and get this deal done, even if nancy pelosi won't. jesse: fake news and fast food. that's the subject of tonight's jesse watters words. the cone of the coverage, 90% negative and 10% positive.
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clemson won the championship and was invited to the white house as is customary. because of the shutdown there weren't any chefs to cater it. so the president figured it out. >> do we give you a quick salad along with the first lady and the second lady. and i said you guys aren't into salads. do i send out for 1,000 hamburgers. we have big macs, quarter pounders with cheese, we have everything that you like and i like. jesse: the players loved that. if you just look at their social media page. they went back for seconds. >> normally i would have a salad for dinner on monday.
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but they told me they only eat fast food. >> he's paying the check so they had to get the cheapest food you could find. >> is it possible you are projecting your favorite foods on to them. >> we'll eat all your favorite foods fan watch their favorite movie, the 2016 election results. jesse: one host on espn said serving fast food to football players is racist. >> when i saw him giving the football mayors predominantly plaque fast food, my thought went to a different place. jesse: president obama liked fast food and pies and ice cream. here is barack obama making a run to five guys to feed the white house staff. >> two burgers for breakfast.
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we are going to get burgers and i can bring them back for you. do you want fries? >> sure. >> one cheese bigger and fries for me. lettuce, ketchup and pickles. look how the media covered obama. "the washington post," president obama, and cheese burgers a love story. the double standards don't stop there. republican congressman from iowa, steve king, made a shocking comment saying he didn't understand why the term white supremacist is offensive. but msnbc spun his comments this way. >> this does not have a parallel on the left. it doesn't. there isn't a strain of racism on the left.
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jesse: there is not? the truth is both parties have problems on their fringes. the left has an anti-semitism problem. >> the jews don't like farrakhan so they call me hitler. well that's a good name. hitler was a very great man. they call me an anti-semite. stop it. i am anti-termite. and farrakhan has pulled the cover off of that satanic jew. jesse: and here is farrakhan posing with barack obama. this is a picture the media suppressed before his election. here is maxine waters hugging the nation of islam leader.
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watch this. >> we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat is white men, most of of them radicalized up to the right and we have to start doing something about them. jesse: white men are the biggest threat to america. then there is the language. >> i have got to get to nebraska more. >> we would love to have you work in the fields with us. >> work in the fields? i am a house [bleep]. you are a white [bleep] >> i have seen a lot of white [bleep] in my time if you want to use that word. >> [bleep] white man. jesse: if trump serving whoppers at the white house is racist and
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schmoozing with farrakhan is okay, we'll never have a real conversation about racism in america. a wall expert up next on. "watters' world." if these packs have the same number of bladder leak pads, i bet you think bigger is better. actually, it's bulkier.
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>> live from "america's news headquarters". i'm marrying rapidly. get prepared for a party monday when you leave for work or school in the morning. temperatures from the great lakes to mid-atlantic region will be ten, 20 degrees below average for the day. some areas will see when chilled down to below zero. the frigid temps follow a major winter storm the move through much of the country the past few days. topping is much as 20 inches of snow in some areas. maine was especially hard and remains under a winter storm warning. it will be the los angeles rams against the new england patriots in the super bowl. the rams turned an interception by quarterback drew brees into a 57-yard field goal to edge the saints in overtime 26-23. in kansas city the new england
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patriots beat the chiefs 37-31. verbal 53 will be played in atlanta. i'm marianne rafferty and now back to "watters' world". "watters' world." jesse: the longest government shutup still at an impasse. everybody is voicing their views. >> you want to build a wall because you promised [bleep] something you knew you couldn't do [bleep]. you promised the racist rednecks that you was going to build the wall and you know it's impossible. jesse: that video is all over the place and has more views than her latest music video. more people want to hear cardi talk about the shut down and the wall and politics than watch her music video. wall expert james ferratano.
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james, breitbart did a great report on walls all over the world that work. i want to start with a few. tell me about hungary's border fence. right now it's up and effective. that's what we are hearing. >> walls aren't moral or immoral. walls are good when they fit the purpose. hungary is a great example. we had massive flows of illegal immigration. what the hungarians said is we don't want that, so they basically put a fence and literally people went to other countries and stayed out of hungary. jesse: one other example, a lot of politicians against the wall have walls at their own property. look at gracie mansion in new
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york city. mayor bill deblasio built his wall higher so he could -- i heard from some sources the reason he extended the wall is because he likes to smoke a little bit and didn't want people walking by and seeing that. those walls work to protect politicians, do they not? >> actors have them. famous people have them. rich people. they serve two purposes, privacy and safety. look at the lindbergh baby. they kidnapped him. jesse: i don't think anybody wants to kidnap deblasio. >> but bloomberg is a different thing. for people like bill gates and zuckerberg. the walls make perfect sense around your property. jesse: one of the examples the president likes to bring us is
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the wall in israel. when did that go up, and was that for so the palestinians couldn't come over and launch attacks? >> the wall in israel is designed to prevent wars. if the palestinians can export violence to israel any time they want to, they have a red button that they can cause a war any time they want. what the israelis wanted to do was create a situation so you couldn't have violence whenever the palestinians and hamas want that. they are designed so you can't flood across the border or struggle terrorists across the border. israel is a very, very small country. heavy comprehensive border security is perfect for that. jesse: one of my personal favorites. chappaqua where the clintons live. they built security structures
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and fences and walls. they increased the size of those and added to it. obviously important to protect the former president and former secretary of state. >> the same thing. one is public safety. yahoos go after everybody. we have had presidents and famous people assassinated. and it's an issue of privacy. everybody wants to watching and pick a flower from the ex-president's garden. if a wall fits a purpose, it makes sense. and my favorite one is the vatican. jesse: ar of course. >> the vatican had a wall because of pirates in the 9th century. they tired of being raided. jesse: i gotta run. a muslim congresswoman claims
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lindsey graham is being sexually blackmailed by donald trump. and toxic masculinity coming up next. -omar, look. [ thunder rumbles ] omar, check this out. uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. for men. notice that my hips are off the ground. [ engine revving ]
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and then, i'm gonna pike my hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. -a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. -tell me about that dental procedure again! -i can still taste it in my mouth! -progressive helps keep you out there.
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unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. haven't you missed enough? ask an asthma specialist about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [♪] when the race is won, you are the champion. gillette. together the best a man can get. jesse: that was a gillette ad from the 80s. but this week they debuted a new ad challenging men to shed their
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toxic masculinity. >> is this the best a man can get? is it? it's been going on far too long. way actually think she is going to say. boys will be boys. boys will be boys. jesse: not everybody is impressed with the message. is this the best ad campaign we can get? joining me now, our go-to witch and the host of unpc on fox nation. brit, toxic masculinity.
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ways it and why do i have to shave it off? >> don't want men to lose their masculinity. when i looked at gillette razor sales. their second most of purchased razor was the venus. it's for women. i actually purchase the male razors because they are sharper. they are better. jesse: and they are less expensive. >> my shaving, my untoxic masculinity. i don't think one person more is going to buy a gillette ray zoarm baiftion it. >> the thing about this. i think a lot of people get caught up in what they think toxic masculinity is referring to. masculinity traditionally
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defined as qualities or attributes that's indicative of a person's manhood. if we say violence is inherently masculine, that's toxic masculine. jesse: sometimes violence blushes good things. >> you could say joan of arc was a heroine because she fought. jesse: brit, you guys can be toxic sometimes. i am not going to give you specific details. >> there is a word worse than tax i can. as and conservative you say i would like to vote for someone because they are the best at what they do, not because all the democratic candidates coming out saying i'm a man and i'm a
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woman. i got horrible mentioned on social media because i say i want to vote for the best person. jesse: representative omar tweeted this about lindsey graham. they got to him. he's compromised. everybody is assuming that donald trump somehow is sexualitily blackmailing the senator from south carolina. and she was confronted with that on cnn. here is how she respojtdsed. >> he's somehow compromised. he no longer stands up for the truth. >> based on what evidence, facts. >> the evidence is presented to us in the way he's behaving. >> that's not evidence. that's your opinion. now as a sitting member of congress you tweeted they got him. based on what evidence, congresswoman. >> my tweet was just an opinion
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based on what i believe. jesse: so you have no evidence. lindsey is on the trump train. she is insinuating that donald has some sort of something on lindsey graham. this is totally inappropriate. >> i think it's totally fine to say the waters are murky with the russia probe. maybe they are blackmailing them and people are saying they must be blackmailing trump. then the further indication that lindsey graham must be gay and that's what they have on him. that would be an open secret because it's been a rumor for so long that he has addressed. going back to toxic masculinity. that's being weaponized against him saying you are less of a man and going back to mccarthyism, you can't be trusted, you must be a traitor because you are
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homosexual. jesse: so they are weaponizing it against communists. >> where is ronald reagan when you need him. i want to use her excuse for a tweet. it's just my opinion. it's what i believe. that wouldn't go over well if it's something truly offensive. you need to look at some of these candidates elected in november that have shoddy pasts. she has been very anti-israel. and no one presses it. i think you saw on that interview, she is not donald trump. jesse: nothing happens here. it's all pure. dakota, don't bump into me with that hat. bob menendez caught shirtless during the government shutdown. during the government shutdown. diamonds and silk can't wait when i say, "drivers who switched from geico to esurance
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saved an average of $412," you probably won't believe me. but you can believe this, real esurance employee nancy abraham. look her up online. esurance, it's surprisingly painless. little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla,75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you.
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jesse: senator bob menendez back in the hot seat. after being photographed on a beach in puerto rico, he and
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members of the congressional hispanic caucus laughed it up with daiquiris on the beach with lobbyists. not a good look for senator menendez. >> we don't want to see him with speedos on the beach. he want him working in congress so he can funds the wall. we are not interested in seeing. we want to see congress funds the also they can open up the government so everything can start running smoothly again. he just got in trouble, wasn't he running around with underaged prols city tiewts and the dominican republic snow just had an ethics scandal? allegedly of course. kamala harris trying to make waves.
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dancing because everybody is doing it after ocasio-cortez did it. here she is trying to be groovy on social media. >> i work out in the morning, every morning. you wanted to know what song i rinse to when i work out. i don't. i watch morning joe. [♪] jesse: i'm cringing ladies. >> we could care less about her work out. we need her to get to work. what she hasn't done ways we are concerned about. she thinks that's going to pull in the young people, the black vote. none of us will vote for her. if she can't take care of her
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state, she surely can't take care of america. >> the people in her state are singing the blues. because they are living in a lot of sugar honey iced tea on the streets. >> she is a well rehearsed politician. she is no good for this country. she don't need to be running for president. she needs to look at her state and how her state is being ran down. jesse: we have a cnn analyst completely humiliated. she went on david webbb's show. he's a black american and she didn't flow that. >> i never considered my color the issue. i considered my qualifications the issue. >> well, david, that's a whole other long conversation about white privilege. things that you have the
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privilege of doing that people of color don't have the privilege of. >> how do i have the privilege of white privilege. >> by virtue much being a white male, you have white privilege. >> i heat to break it to you, but you should have been better prepared. i'm black. >> see, that's playing identity politics. play the race card every chance you get. you know what? i don't think she deserves to be on the podcast or raider yoa if she is not prepared for her guests. >> that's what a lot of black people end up doing, playing the race card or gender card. you don't even know who this man is. be better prepared next time. happy birthday, silk. i know it's your birthday weekend. see you next week.
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jesse: time for "last call." the new york head coach for the jets. adam gates it's unbelievable. look at this guy getting intro diewtsd media. this is not a joke. these were the faces that he was making. look at these faces. what is he looking at? i feel so sorry for jets fans. what is he doing? they are going to have a great season with this guy. i think the jets are now super bowl bound. that's all for us tonight. be sure to follow us on facebook, twitter and instagram. we have a new instagram page,.
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"watters' world" instagram. remember i'm watters and this is my world. good evening and welcome to the next revolution. i'm steve hilton. this is the home of positive populism. i will be joined later on by micro for a great conversation about jobs and work in america. first let's get to the big story, president trumps proposal to kickstart long overdue reform of broken immigration system. in the short ter


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